From 2014 to 2018 we’ve partnered with Kongress Media to co-produce the London editions of their successful #e20s and enterprise conference series, on digital transformation, and use of social tools for collaboration and knowledge management. From 2015 the event was renamed Enterprise Digital Summit and the hashtag became #EntDigi. Each year there were two editions of the Enterprise Digital Summit London – in June the event was be themed around the digital workplace. In November the event was be themed, as usual, around the future of the organisation. These events were intended to help you decide the best approach for digitally transforming your organisation, putting digital, social and collaboration tools to work inside business to make it more effective, but for much more than sales, marketing and the customer experience. A practical, pragmatic “how to” kind of event. Other digital transformation events focus on outbound use of social media – for marketing, PR and communications – ours covers your business end to end.

In 2014 we ran a full day hybrid unconference event on 23 October as a companion to and immediately following the Enterprise 2.0 Summit London on 21 & 22 October . It was a one-day self-organised unconference for consultants, practitioners and experts in social business, digital transformation, the digital workplace and the future of work. We shared ideas, best practice, and discussed what works, what doesn’t and what’s next! Contact us if you are interested in being part of the next one.
Alongside the conferences, we plan a series of industry focussed events, starting with Agile Elephant for Lawyers. We also hope to run similar events with partners in Manchester. To be announced shortly.
Reports and links for our previous Patchwork Elephant and related social business events and conferences below.
What Next for Social Business? The Patchwork Elephant Conference – September 2013
As part of London’s Social Media Week we put on an event called Social Business – The Patchwork Elephant Revisited asking “What next for Social Business?”. We were kindly sponsored by our friends at CompareTheCloud.net.
Social Media in the Enterprise @ CASS Business School – February 2010 – report from Alan Patrick
Social Media in the Enterprise – event report pt 1 of 2 – February 2010 – report from David Terrar
Social Media in the Enterprise – event report pt 2 of 2 – February 2010 – report from David Terrar