About the Unconference on 27 November at a Central London venue
The Agile Elephant Unconference is designed to bring together digital transformation, social business, future of work and digital workplace specialists, consultants, practitioners and change agents to discuss:
- digital transformation
- social business
- next generation enterprise
- the future of work
- how to do more, and do it better
The mantra for the day – what works, what doesn’t, what’s next?
To find out more, sign up or see the agenda – go here.
5×5 Explained and Register for a Speaking Slot
As a group – the Morning and Afternoon will each start with 5 x 5 – five 5 minute lightning sessions to get your brain cells moving – the clock is ticking, when the time is up the speaker may have to finish mid-sentence – there will be no exceptions!
First, you have to get one of the 60 Unconference tickets – book your place here.
Each 5 minute session can use slides, a flip chart, visual aids, or just you – it’s entirely in your hands.
They have to be on our topics (digital transformation, social business, enterprise 2.0, next generation enterprise, digital workplace or the future of work)
If you want to sign up to present one of the ten 5×5 sessions, simply add your session title and a brief explanation in the comments of this post below.
If we have more than 10 volunteers we’ll convene a panel of judges from the #e20s speakers to pick the best 10.
We are looking forward to it!
If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“The UI is dead. Long live the HI. – the critical role of the interface in social business.”
I’d love to present for 300 seconds on this topic.
Wisdom Driven Technology
Jazz Rasool,
Director, Energy Diamond Consulting
What follows the Internet’s ages of Data, Information, Knowledge and Intelligence? Have we arrived in an age of social media communities craving for wisdom and the powers to apply it? Are people shifting their search for content that is of Relevance to content and experiences that have a deeper Resonance within them as well as between them and others? Where does Social business need to add ‘trust-related momentum’ , the fuel of Wisdom driven social media, for sustainable engagement?
I’m interested in speaking for five minutes about my ideas for educating the C-suite about social media, digital transformation, etc. But I’m not standing up to do it if I’m the only one!
Title: 21st Century Behavioural Agility Topic: The future of work
Description: The ‘Management Challenge’ is changing daily and it almost feels impossible to adapt quickly enough. Those that do not know how to respond are likely to keep doing the same thing, just faster, consuming more resources. The problem for many is this just will not work and they are destined to crash and become one of the many failing initiatives/organisations each year.
For those wanting to Survive and Prosper there is the need to develop behaviours that integrate Individual and Group Dynamics creating Teams with Behavioural Agility.
We will share three interrelated perspectives I call the “Human Elements Cubed”
Three Elements of Motivation
Three Elements of Relationship
Three Modes of Management
By understanding the “Human Elements Cubed”, we can redefine how people work together more effectively supporting a new way of working. More information is available on how to audit where a team or workgroup is today, so you can navigate into tomorrow. In complex situations, you may need to know where you have come from, to realise where you are today, as that will inform tomorrow’s destination!
HI David/Janet. Sorry I can’t make the day before, but I’m up for this, and also v happy to do a 5 minute slot on Crisis communications and how crises speed up social transformation.
Conclusions after 3.5 years of applying The LUCK Concept in digital & social transformation.
The concept is a coctail intended to rock the organisation in as much as four different areas;
Kognition: how huch brain knowledge makes staff more ready for change. K and not C as the internet is already changing how our brain adapts and adopts to our society.
Coaching skills – have been instrumental, as very few in your staff want to be told what to do. In the coaching perspective, I expect you to be engaged. If not, let’s find out why.
Unifying comm’s: All internet services, apps and producs possible in leading change. Visual tools play a special role!
Finally, both Lean Production philosophies and methodology has made tremendous impact even in hotels, as has Agile style
Looking forward to dialogues Thursday!!!
More: @johanlange
5 minute Lightning Talk:
Social Media, How can it cultivate Conservation and Transformation of Engagement Energy?.
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one kind to another.
This is a true law and is the most unbreakable and fundamental law of nature upon which all other laws are built -including those of Life, Work and Business. It informs us that there is no real creation, only transformation.
You cannot create fans, only transform followers into them. You cannot create a Brand, only transform a company service or product into one. Most important, you cannot use Social Media to create profits, only transform your relationships into revenues. In all instances you are transforming energy of one kind into another.
In business, Energy manifests as quantity and quality of relationships. You want to change the engagement of employees? The loyalty of your customers? The breadth and depth of your fanbase? Then you have to change the energy -the quantity and quality of your relationships -within individuals and between them, within your company and between it and others, within your customers and between them.
Conserving energy creates sustainable profits. Transforming energy converts raw materials and knowledge into valuable products and desirable experiences. Every employee and executive needs to be an energy miner, worker, engineer as well as artist and doctor. Those who know how to cultivate the quantity and quality of their internal and external relationships will cultivate the energy that makes them thrive as individuals and profit as businesses.
Jazz Rasool
Looking at Social Business through the Overton Window
There are an increasing number of case studies showing what social technologies are capable of achieving in organisations, in terms of value creation and productivity, never mind the organisation culture benefits. THis means we can start to imagine what the “Radical Social Business” may actually look like, based on emering evidence rathre than theory. This talk will take a look at the possible endgame of a fully social business